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Richard Smoley's Blog

Excerpt in Utne

This excerpt from How God Became God has just been posted on the Utne Reader website.

Click on the image to reach the article.
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Prophecy and the End Times

Jeffrey Mishlove has done nine interviews with me for his series New Thinking Allowed (one for each of my books). He's put the first one up. It's on prophecy and the End Times.
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Tikkun: Beyond the Trap of Biblical Literalism

Many people in the educated world understand that the Bible--or not all of the Bible--is literally true.

But there is actually quite a bit of confusion about which parts are and which parts aren't literally true.

My book How God Became God deals with this question in depth.

But I have just published an article on the Tikkun website that sketches out the basic arguments. To read it, click on the cover above for the link. Read More 
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The Bible and Donald Trump

My article on Donald Trump and the Bible has just gone up on Signature, the website for Penguin Random House. Click on the image at left to link to it.
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Review of How God Became God

Parabola has just issued a review of my book How God Became God, written by John Shirley. For a link, click on the image to the left.
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God and the Great Angel

Several days ago I posted a link to my article, "The Strange Identity of Jesus Christ," saying that the Christians who wrote the New Testament didn't think that Jesus was God incarnate. They thought he was the incarnation of the Great Angel, Metatron, the "archangel of many names," as Philo described him. Some of these names were the  Read More 
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